Friday 15 February 2013

Plot of my Movie- Death's Promise

The title of the movie is called- Death's Promise

The opening starts with the location of a town/ village where the protagonist is appearing to be calm and collected, from this point pans and horizontal tracking will be used to "watch" him walking into the trouble that awaits him. Whilst walking he begins to get very anxious about his surroundings because he gets the feeling his being watched. He then stops in panic and then he see's a dark figure awaiting him on a bridge appearing under a streetlight, Death. A close up will be used to build up the tension and to give the idea he is the antagonist. The chase begins. Again I will incorporate a mixture of pans and horizontal tracking to establish the environment and to show stress and a sense of being watched in different directions. Then the protagonist is heading to a predicament which then I change to a reverse track/close up to show the distance he is travelling which changes into a POV/ hand held shot that is used to make it look like he is panicking and shows irritation and again changes this time into a pan to run away.
      During the last pan, the protagonist begins to think logically and tries to lose this mysterious figure by running in different directions where the camera won't be able to see, then a the camera will appear round a corner and the boy is stilling running in stress and panic, he attempts to run into the local park which then backfires because the figure is standing in his path. The camera changes to the boys POV showing the figure, the tables then turn when the POV is in the antagonists eyes where he is closely watching his new victim by panning across the scene. The camera will then return to the boy running for safety and then gets the idea to hide in a somewhat high to see if he can find him, which again i will use a hand held POV to create tension the boy begins to stop and slowly turn round and behind him is the figure which will be roomed in on to make it it look like he attacked him. It fades to black no sound and then appearing on screen will be the body of the boy being zoomed to make it look like the deed is done.

The title sequence will include incidental/ non-diegetic music.

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